Download TouchStoneSoftware UndeletePlus

Thank you for choosing TouchStoneSoftware UndeletePlus. Your download will start automatically in a few seconds.

Problems with the download? Please use this direct link.

By downloading this software you agree to the TouchStoneSoftware UndeletePlus End User License Agreement.

To start your download, click the Run or Save button on the Internet Explorer download notification dialog:

Run Screen

After the file has finished saving, click on the Open button on the download complete dialog.

UNINSTALL INFORMATION. To remove TouchStoneSoftware UndeletePlus from your computer, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. In the Currently installed programs box, find and click on TouchStoneSoftware UndeletePlus, and then click Remove.
  3. If you are prompted to confirm the removal of the program, click Yes.